Thursday, July 26, 2007


Procedures and Treatments on The Horizon

First of all, our business 30th anniversary party exceeded my expectations. It was fantastic to see many business associates from our early years, have the staff gathered together and see close friends and family all enjoying themselves and looking at old photos we had posted around the room. The location at Heritage Museums and Gardens and catering by Casual Gourmet couldn't have been better. We were all sad that Mark was not able to attend but he was there in spirit. I was incredibly proud of my family and staff as I listened to accolades throughout the evening. And when I arrived at Mark's hospital room at 9 pm and gave him the details, he was just as proud and so appreciative of the many people who attended to make it such a successful celebration. He had had a broncoscopy earlier in the afternoon and from 4-7, when he knew the party was taking place, he said he just angrily stared at the clock at the foot of his bed, mad that he couldn't be partying with us. After I told him all about the party, I jumped into his hospital bed with him and we read the book of thoughtful, and sometimes hilarious, sentiments guests had written into a book we had available for guests to send notes to him.
Yesterday's broncoscopy revealed that the tumor had indeed already grown back into his airway since they had blasted it away on June 18. So, this afternoon, they did a rigid broncoscopy and "roto rooted" it away again. He was 100% better and 200% happier after the procedure was done and he could breathe again!!
Starting tomorrow, he is embarking on a new treatment called photodynamic therapy. You can probably get a better explanation on the internet but it is my understanding that tomorrow they will inject a dye. A few days later, they will do some internal light treatment and a few days after that they will repeat the light treatment. People come from around the world to be treated for airway problems by his physician, Dr. Ernst of Deaconess B.I. So, Mark will be in the hospital in Boston for about another week. The "catch" with this treatment is that he can not be in any light for six weeks, direct sunlight or even strong interior lights. They will also be treating his pneumonia with high doses of antibiotic injections. Then it is expected he will return home and start on chemo which they have been delaying for the past month because of his pneumonia. There is also a chance that they will do radiation again. His left side was radiated last Fall and can never be radiated again but the problems currently are in the right lung so that radiation could be employed again.
You would think that Mark would be so fed up with all the treatments but he is so much happier this afternoon since his airway is no longer blocked and he says he is just so "sick of feeling sick" that he is willing to do whatever it takes to feel stronger again after four hospitalizations in a month.
I will update you again in a few days. Meanwhile thanks to all who contributed to making our 30th anniversary celebration so meaningful and enjoyable!!

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