Saturday, January 03, 2009
Four Generations

During the holiday season, many friends and relatives asked why the blog had not been updated for so long. It was because there really wasn't anything note worthy about Mark's health to pass along. He occasionally had tests throughout the past four months. Months elapsed as we waited for results of one test after another. We hoped to make some plans for the winter if Mark's health permitted. The news was good and this week we are off to visit Kevin in the Lake Tahoe area where he goes to school! Following is a short story I just wrote to give some perspective to the birth of our first grandchild, Sean David Sheehan, born December 23, 2008. Like the rest of the family, he and Kristina are both doing fantastic.
Four Generations
The cameras flashed. The family members repeatedly reconfigured for photos. Between photographs, they resumed switching seats so each one would have a turn sitting next to him. Despite the seat swapping, all eyes remained focused on the receptacle of adoration. They bickered, “Your time is up. It’s my turn to hold him.” The ten day old, healthy baby boy didn’t flinch as they passed him around, praising him. He slept contentedly as his father explained “Sean, it’s your first invasion by the paparazzi.”
The four generations were united for the first time. The 80 year old great grandmother and grandfather and their two daughters were there along with their 15 year old granddaughter. Their son in law, the baby’s grandfather, had arrived with their oldest daughter, the grandmother. They were all gathered at the home their oldest grandson shared with his wife and newborn son. They clamored over the baby, jamming themselves together and hovering to gawk. Each glimpse of his precious face triggered a spontaneous smile. They gazed in unison. Eight sets of eyes simultaneously beaming love into one tiny being.
The room was packed with miracles. The great grandfather had actually died six months prior and been revived minutes later by his youngest daughter. As he lay in the hospital unconscious, the family had gathered at his bedside to say goodbye. He surprised them all, defied the odds and made a complete recovery. His son in law had been diagnosed with late stage cancer two years prior. He had endured treatments for 18 months, bed ridden much of the time but his prognosis had gradually improved. Six days after the baby’s birth, he had received a “clean bill of health.” While the grandfather had been battling cancer, his son, the baby’s father, was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. After five months of treatments, he was cancer free. Six months later, his son was conceived.
The day they all gathered to dote on the first member of the fourth living generation, they didn’t discuss health issues for the first time in years. Every family member was transfixed on the beauty of the present.